Friday, June 28, 2013

The days are packed with stuff

Helo once again  viewers - last time we left off (when Noah was writing) he talked about youth camp which was long ago. Julia is at creation after youth camp! We are working on a 1000 piece puzzle, we are doing pretty well and will finish it some time this summer.  Also tomorrow we have our exchange student from Spain coming! I-am excited.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hello once again readers for the first time. The first time is for the different person writing (Noah) and the once again for the previous blogs by previous authors.  Last week I was listening to sermons at Youth Camp (eating more gummy bears with my braces) and playing gaga ball non stop at  the new gaga ball court at our church.  Today nothing happened ( besides me working on a puzzle and other electronic free stuff and having my base ball game canceled). However, on saturday I had three baseball games in one day. My league is so sports crazy!  I was catcher the whole first game (it was hot). Game two I pitched (it was hot).  Then I moved back to catcher the whole third game (it was hot).  My friends, especially Cameron, (Who I hope doesn't read this blog) say I don't have a life (he is the one with no life). One of the reasons is probably this blog, nevertheless,  I know they are wrong. Youth camp then three baseball games pretty much gives me something to do other than read and work on puzzles.  I am also looking forward to a canoe trip for Boy Scouts which you will hear about tomorrow.
                 Have a good day, if you sneezed while you read this, bless you
                                                Noah out

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Youth Camp!!

Well... this past week has been a.m.a.z.i.n.g. Once again, God met the teens in a beautiful way at Youth Camp!  This year, I (julia) was on the yellow team (GO MINIONS!!!), with some amazing people.  Christi Boronow was my girl counselor, and she encouraged me SO much in our discussion group time, giving insight, verses, and Godly wisdom.

On the personal side, I was yet again convicted to lay EVERYTHING on the table for Christ!  In our pride, this is one of those things that we are tempted to believe we already are doing, or WORKING towards.  We are tempted to leave only 75% (or less) of our life for the Lord, but the other 25% is just is the world and our sin.  This is a dangerous thing for the believer!  The gospel changes our whole heart, not just part of it, just as our salvation called for God's FULL wrath!

I am sooooo thankful that God yet again awoke me from my stupor, bringing me back to my full desperation for Him: the gospel!


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Youth camp and friends house

In a week we are having a student from Spain coming at our house for a month.  2 years ago we had a Japanes student for a week but this is a month!  me and David and my mom are the only people home, Because Julia and Noah are at youth camp and my dad is at work.  So today, my mom served lunch at youth camp while David and I went to a friends house.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Spanish student and a story of Rex

Today Julia and Noah went to youth camp (a tradition my church does ). We had to go to a meeting to learn more about our Spanish student coming to our house for a month.She is coming in a week we are looking forward to it. She is 18 years old (but she looks like she's 16).

Today a UPS man came and delivered a package, my dog Rex jumped into the car and started wagging    
his tail!! The UPS guy said, sorry, I don't have any treats today.Then he started driving away and Rex got out. That was the first time I saw that.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Well, this past week we had gone to Ohio to visit my Grandma, and of course she spoiled us a ton:) I know the boys blogged about it awhile ago... but finally, here are some pictures!!!!

                         Some of dad's friends took us water skiing = wonderful pictures.

Mi padre and I <3

awwww hehe

mhmm silly Andrew

aghhh! I LOVE this one!

getting ready...

too cute:)

Noah up on skiis

An epic jump of mine:)

So.. I'm only putting these ones below on here because the boys wanted me to.  And, they had been snapping pictures of me madly SO THEY COULD GET ME FALLING! This totaled a monstrous 200 pictures of me afterwards! ehh but anyways, here are the ones of me slowly falling....

Lost balance...

dragging the skis downward..

and.. KABOOM!


here it is, a CLASSIC facebook profile picture... *looking into the distance*, except ruined by Andrew's lips! hahaha

You ask HOW this wonderful lipstick came about? 


And the whole family


me and Noah:)

And poor David's sunburns... pretty bad.

But Grandma's spoiling was NOT done!  She took us to Broadway's WICKED!!!!



It was amazing amazing amazingggg!!!!! The women who played Elphaba and Glinda had very rich, lovely voices, and Glinda was hilarious! It was defiantly a memory we'll look back to in awe:)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The times in stuff

Today we ate lots of junk food and Noah had gummy bears with his braces! Bad boy! We did all kinds of stuff today, like playing mini golf,going to the new Cabellas in town, (it was awsome) watching movies, playing video games (even though we are not supposed to). We also went Figaro hunting - chasing him down the stairs and up the stairs and finnaly cornering him so that we could hold and rub him. (Most of the time he is a freindly cat).  Every thing is so close by you are never doing nothing at my Grandma's house.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ohio and a joke

Yesterday Julia thought that pickels were diffrent than cucumbers!!!She thought the farmers picked them. She said to my brother Andrew, they grow like cucumbers. It was a blond moment in our house.

We are now in Ohio with our grandma. It took us 8 hours to drivr to Ohio it was painful!!! Now we eat a lot of junk food now that we are at my grandma's house.Everthing is close to us we are going to see Wicked !!!(It's about the Wizard Of Oz.)On friday we are going water skiing with my dad's friend.                                    David                                                                                                                                                                               

Monday, June 10, 2013

Our family

Well, this is our first post.  Everyone's gunna be taking turns writing, so I assure you, the posts will get even weirder and weirder as we go.  But for now, I (Julia), am just going to post some pictures and a couple other things:)

Well, yes, our family's VERY active!  Andrew plays lacrosse, Noah and David play Baseball, and I play Field Hockey and Track.  My parents love anything outdoorsy too:) This picture shows us hiking down into the Grand Canyon.

Andrew- my hilarious, 11 year old brother who always is joking around.

My awesome model mom:) hehe 


Mi padre looking over the Grand Canyon

Noah (13)- outdoor animal lover, who also shoots them...

David, my sweet 9 year old brother.

Then all of them put together = crazy group.

                                             Awww. Them all with Rexie:)

Well... thats about all I've got for ya.  Keep coming back here to see whats up, and we will try to post everyday:)  Oh! And check out my photography blog: Life Through a Lens, at the top of this page on a tab.  Enjoy!